
Mick Truman on Psalm 51

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Have mercy, O God

© 2008 Mick Truman
Credits: Mick Truman - vocals, acoustic guitars, piano



  • Have mercy, O God,
    have mercy, O God
    1. Have mercy, O God, in your kindness,
      in love and compassion set me free,
      O wash me more and more from my guilt and my sin.
      O cleanse me, O God, O cleanse me, O God.
    2. A pure heart create for me, O God,
      your Spirit, O Lord, within my heart,
      your presence, O God, is my only desire.
      O heal me, O God, O heal me, O God.

    3. Salvation, the joy that you send to me,
      your presence and Spirit give me strength.
      Your glory and praise I will sing and proclaim.
      O save me, O God, O save me, O God.
    © 2008 Mick Truman

    downloaded from www.micktruman.com

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