
Happy Lupercalia!

For those of a more historical bent, read this entertaining history on Lupercalia which was celebrated in the middle of the month, so it was replaced by St. Valentine's Day. Hmm...with the flagellation and emphasis on purification, maybe it's worth celebrating within the season of Lent after all!

Anyway, if your view of Valentine's Day is more associated with the romantic revisionism of Geoffrey Chaucer (cf lines 309ƒ), then here's an equally great lyrical addition in the vein of Theodor Geisel.

PS - On a historical note, this day in 1556, my new home boy Thomas Cranmer was convicted of heresy. He would later be burned at the stake. Now if that doesn't get you in the mood, I don't know what will. Talk about burning with passion...


Ministers of Wreckonciliation

Just in case you had any doubt as to what the Confession of 1967 ultimately meant to do (i.e., undermine the Westminster Confession of Faith), here's all the proof you need. It seems that reconciliation largely consists of throwing venomous barbs at those whose form of evangelism is actually working.

There is an overture to the 2008 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to no longer recognize the Evangelical Presbyterian Church as a Reformed denomination. Frankly, coming from an institution that could best be described as "reformerly" - dear friends in the EPC - I'd take that as a complement.