
NCC Holds the Line...in contempt

Can someone please tell me why the anti-Trinitarian heretics of the Swedenborgian Church were granted admission to the NCC?

Can someone please tell me why the PCUSA is funding the NCC so extravagantly while we starve our own missionaries?


Dave Moody said...

Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris...

Looking at the tenets of Swedenoborgianism-- of course they fit right right into the NCC. Just look at the headings of their tenets, how are they substantively different than those espoused by the subject of your previous post?

Quit being so, well, classical...

tongue planted firmly in cheek

Chris Larimer said...

I'd rather be historical than hysterical! (Don't tell anyone, but I consider myself more on the post-reformed side...)

Anonymous said...

Shh! Please whisper when writing about Swedenborgianism,; John Shuck might hear you and place it all over his blog as an example of authentic Christianity. I would put a smile by that but it is too serious.

Chris Larimer said...

Gnosticism is a hydra. Unless you take the risk of appearing mean and intolerant by burning the stump (salted earth strategy), more heads will pop up everytime. Gnosticism is the heresy that just won't seem to die because it appeals to our first sin: the pride of thinking we know better than God.

Keep writing, Viola. You're a blessing to the church and especially to those women who seek to be responsively Christian in PW.

Anonymous said...

Who needs missionaries of Western Imperialism and patriarchy, when everyone is saved anyway?


Douglas Underhill said...

Chris...I don't get it. Please elaborate - how can you be a classical, confessional Presbyterian who is also post-Reformed?

Chris Larimer said...


I'm not sure where you see the contradiction. If you could elaborate, I might be able to helpfully respond.

Sabbath blessings!

Bill Crawford said...

I can explain it...

... well no actually I can't - not without sounding a little apocalyptic anyway.

How about being a Biblical Presbyterian?