
Mayflower and the remainers

Today marks the 389th anniversary of the Mayflower's departure from Southampton, England. These men and women were so convinced of the necessity of freedom to pursue purity in the worship of Almighty God that they were willing to forsake other bonds of kinship, property, and status in order to live up to their convictions.

May the orthodox still wandering in TEC summon similar courage to, in Luther's immortal words, "let goods and kindred go" in order to do what is right.


Unknown said...

Check out the Nina & Pinta at the riverfront while they're still here. We saw the Nina on vacation and were shocked at how small it was. No doubt they prayed every mile of the way, between barfs.

Anonymous said...

Ironic since they were fleeing the villainous tyranny began by Archbishop Laud and his merry band of conformists. ;)