13 October 1775 - the Congress voted to create a Continental Navy. The Sailors manning (er, ... personing) that Navy immediately get into trouble on liberty. So ..., on 10 November 1775 Congress created a police force for the Navy in the body known as the Marine Corps. However, Congress, in its finite wisdom, decided to recruit solely at Tun Tavern on Water St. in Philadelphia. Two and a half weeks later, on 28 November 1775, the Marines were still in the bar. "What to do?" Congress wondered. And so, on that date, they created a Navy Chaplain Corps. To bring righteousness to the Marine Corps.
Traditional Anglicanism that is robustly orthodox is alive in Central Kentucky! We are gathering people who need to be welcomed by the Church of Christ, loved in the name of Christ, taught the Word of Christ, and fed on the Most Precious Body & Blood of Christ!
A confessional Christian ruminates on life. While "adiaphora" refers to "things indifferent" to orthodox Christianity, it also sums up much of the mainline churches attitudes of indifference to the heresy in her ranks (and by "rank" I mean the positively mephitic aroma!).
Oh, and if you post anonymously, make sure you identify yourself - or at least keep it on target. Don't expect me to post your incognito invective. If that's your bag, get your own blog.
I welcome disagreement. Say what you will, but back it up. I'm from Dixie - not ipse dixit!
Your picture - Jack Benny impersonation?
13 October 1775 - the Congress voted to create a Continental Navy. The Sailors manning (er, ... personing) that Navy immediately get into trouble on liberty. So ..., on 10 November 1775 Congress created a police force for the Navy in the body known as the Marine Corps. However, Congress, in its finite wisdom, decided to recruit solely at Tun Tavern on Water St. in Philadelphia. Two and a half weeks later, on 28 November 1775, the Marines were still in the bar. "What to do?" Congress wondered. And so, on that date, they created a Navy Chaplain Corps. To bring righteousness to the Marine Corps.
Chap KLJ
For better or worse, he later publicly apologized.
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