
Planned Parenthood promotes racism and rape

For years, allegations of racism and genocide among pro-aborts have been raised in sectors of the pro-life community. These allegations are normally dismissed as the rantings of crackpots, even when it comes in the form of well-reasoned and documented arguments. But a recent string of student-led investigations have started to reverse that trend. See Michelle Malkin's coverage of undercover sting on Planned Parenthood abortion mills. Apparently, Planned Parenthood is ecstatic to get your money in order to kill black babies. And it's about time black leaders (especially church leaders) stood up and spoke out!

By the way, Planned Parenthood also loves to cover up statutory rape. Maybe one day a loving, woman-affirming PP representative will ask your 15 year old daughter to "Figure out a birthday that works." That doesn't sound very feminist to me.

If you're interested in protecting the rights of women and minorities, start by protecting the fetus (roughly half of which are XX and is disproportionately applied to minorities). Because abortion is murder.

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PS: in case you missed the Yale art student kerfluffle....


will said...

I have to seriously wonder if this surprises anyone? PP's history is very clear - think Sanger ...

Benjamin P. Glaser said...

Any association with this genocide of unborn children makes one complicit with it. We must stop it.