
Bach to our regularly scheduled programming

I've been grossly negligent with the Worship Wednesday segment of this blog. Mea culpa. I hope this can begin to make up for it.

J.S. Bach - CD1 - Mass in B Minor by American Bach Soloists

By the way, today I meet with many of my brother-priests at the Forward in Faith North America Annual Assembly. We anticipate being received in orders, then proceeding to join the rest of the laity and clergy in the Anglican Church in North America!


Sara said...

So what does all of that mean to us TEC illiterates? Is that the Ft. Worth Diocese that broke off recently?
You will be a priest in a new(?) denomination? So many questions!

Thanks for the Bach.

Chris Larimer said...

The dioceses of the Episcopal Church are autonomous. They work together to recognize each other through the instrument of unity called the general convention. However, when membership in the General Convention of TEC becomes a positive impediment to membership in the catholic church and the Anglican Communion worldwide, the diocese has a right and responsibility to use its autonomy to insure its sacramental union with the whole church through the bishops.

The "denomination" will be the Anglican Church in North America. The diocese I'll be part of is the Diocese of All Saints, a missionary diocese in accord with the principles of the FOrward in Faith convocation.