
Meet the Robinsons

Vicky "Mean Gene" Robinson, the non-celibate sodomite Episcopal prelate of New Hampshire, is marrying his 20-yr lover in a June ceremony, shortly before the decennial Lambeth Conference. He claims that the date has nothing to do with offending the already alienated primates of 4/5ths of Anglicans worldwide. He says it's to provide protections for his "spouse" and children. However, in his November 27th speech at Nova Southeastern University, he gives the real reason: "I always wanted to be a June bride."

Can anyone reasonably believe that this man thinks of anyone other than himself and his agenda in these decisions? Even if we were to grant that homosex is biblically permissible (even for a bishop), what about his divorce and his alcoholism?


Anonymous said...

Cradle Calvinist here ...

Kind of gives a whole new meaning to "Here's to you, "Mrs." Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know, oh, oh, oh ... " don't ya' think?

Chris Larimer said...

The burning question on my heart is: "What does a bishop wear to his own big gay wedding?"

If only the Rev'd Dr. Percy Dearmer (of blessed memory) were here to suss it all out!

Bill Crawford said...

Well the good news is that there is no such thing as Gay Marriage so when his big fat gay wedding happens it really won't have happened. At least in presbyworld.

Benjamin P. Glaser said...

I think Mrs. Schiori has a hat for him to wear...